Thomas Bosmans’s take on the logistical challenges of today and tomorrow

The logistics sector is booming, but it also faces major challenges. We asked Thomas Bosmans, Portfolio Manager at WDP, where he sees the biggest challenges and his ideas for tackling them.

“The biggest challenge in the short-term comes from e-commerce,” says Thomas. “Large heavy goods vehicles will continue to be replaced by small vans that drive around delivering the packages you ordered today tomorrow. And that brings new challenges with it. For example, we are now driving around too much for a single package because people are often not at home. A local hub where the addressees can use a code to pick up their packages later seems to be one solution.”

Thomas also believes that the available surface area and automation form logistical challenges as well: “Available space will only become scarcer in the future. Furthermore, logistical companies must also facilitate without losing sight of the human aspect, of course. Because more automation means fewer people working. It’s a complex situation, that’s for sure!”

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